The ParaPro Assessment is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It measures skills and knowledge in reading, math and writing and the ability to apply those skills and knowledge to assist in classroom instruction.
The ParaPro Assessment is for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals. It measures skills and knowledge in reading, math and writing and the ability to apply those skills and knowledge to assist in classroom instruction.
The test consists of 90 selected-response questions, approximately two-thirds of which focus on basic skills and knowledge. The remaining one-third focus on applying skills in the classroom. All test questions are in English.
The ParaPro Assessment is computer delivered and takes approximately 2 1/2 hours to complete. It is available both in test centers throughout the country as well as remotely by ProProctor®.
Use these test-taker resources to learn more about the test, the registration process and test day.
Find policy and procedure information about registration, test day, scoring and more.
Find an overview of the ParaPro Assessment, along with information about test content, sample questions and more.
The ParaPro Assessment is offered year round at test centers as well as at home through a remote proctoring service.