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PASL Assessment

Demonstrate your application of knowledge and relevant skills as a school leader to drive student learning

Select any step to learn more about your PASL assessment journey.

Permission Forms for the PASL Assessment

You’re required to obtain permission forms for the artifacts that you submit with your task response as evidence, including:

  • student work samples
  • photos of students or adults
  • videos that include the appearance/voice of adults
  • observations, letters or other materials supplied by colleagues or other adults

Permission forms

Be sure to use the PASL Assessment permission forms below; district and school permission forms are not acceptable.

When working in a virtual environment, you can use electronic signature programs, such as DocuSign®, to obtain approvals.

Don’t remove identifying information from the completed permission forms; you’ll need to keep these forms with your records.

For more information about permission forms, as well as maintaining privacy and removing identifiers in artifacts, view the PASL Candidate and Educator Handbook (PDF).

Maintaining privacy in artifacts and videos

Student and adult work submitted as artifacts

In your task responses and artifacts, it’s extremely important that you don’t identify yourself, students, colleagues, name of the school or city/town where your school is located. Instead, refer to colleagues as “Colleague 1”, “Colleague 2” and students as "Student 1," "Student 2" and so on, and refer to places as "my school" or "my district." This ensures that your responses are scored fairly and protects the identity of students and adults.

Be sure to remove all identifiers from artifacts before uploading.


Videos submitted as artifacts

We recommend that you practice video recording a couple times to get you and your colleagues comfortable with being recorded. Even if you’re only recording for practice, you might make a video suitable for submission.

It’s your responsibility to keep the video files secure to protect the privacy of those in the video. Don’t use videos for any purpose other than to fulfill the requirements of this assessment, and don’t upload them to websites other than the online submission system.